River Reports
November 7, 2022
Route: North (downstream), old river path
Time: 2.5 hours
Weather: Cool
River depth at launch: 0.5m
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: complete blockage at beaver dam
Wildlife spotted: great horned owl, white-tailed deer, hairy woodpecker, chickadees
Comments: first spotting of ice in shady spots
October 17, 2021
Route: South (upstream)
Time: 1 hour
Weather: Cool
River depth at launch: 0.5m
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: some small blockages, but were cleared
Wildlife spotted: hairy woodpecker, grackles, blue jays
Comments: water is at its highest since the spring. Used this opportunity to do some cleanup on the upstream portion.
October 3, 2021
Route: North (downstream), old river path
Time: 3 hours
Weather: Warm
River depth at launch: 0.25m
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: complete blockage at beaver dam
Wildlife spotted: great horned owls, white-tailed deer, wood ducks
Comments: probably the lowest level at launch this year - kayak bottoms out at the very beginning
September 19, 2021
Route: North (downstream), old river path
Time: 2.5 hours
Weather: Warm
River depth at launch: 0.4m
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: complete blockage at beaver dam
Wildlife spotted: painted turtles, great horned owl, hawk, turkey vulture, wood ducks
Comments: water at the end has been slowly rising, almost reaching the level of the beaver dam. This has opened up the old river path for the first time since spring.
August 31, 2021
Route: North (downstream)
Time: 2.5 hours
Weather: Warm
River depth at launch: 0.4m
Mosquitoes: minimal
River blockages: complete blockage at river dam
Wildlife spotted: painted turtles, great horned owls, hawk
Comments: water is slightly higher due to recent rain (again)
August 23, 2021
Route: North (downstream)
Time: 2.5 hours
Weather: Cool
River depth at launch: 0.4m
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: complete blockage at river dam
Wildlife spotted: turkey vulture, great horned owls, hawk
Comments: water is slightly higher due to recent rain
August 13, 2021
Route: North (downstream)
Time: 2.5 hours
Weather: Cool
River depth at launch: 0.4m
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: complete blockage at river dam
Wildlife spotted: great horned owls, white-tailed deers, painted turtles
Comments: water past the beaver dam is low but still navigable all the way to the end
July 29, 2021
Route: North (downstream)
Time: 2.5 hours
Weather: Warm, calm
River depth at launch: 0.4m
Mosquitoes: minimal
River blockages: complete blockage at river dam
Wildlife spotted: great horned owl, white-tailed deer, spotted sandpiper
Comments: the beaver dam is a complete blockage now, requiring a portage. This however has increased the water levels upstream, keeping that portion navigable
July 12, 2021
Route: North (downstream)
Time: 2.5 hours
Weather: Warm
River depth at launch: 0.3m
Mosquitoes: minimal
River blockages: beaver dam is difficult to navigate
Wildlife spotted: great horned owl, deer, crayfish
Comments: very low water, but still navigable with the exception of the beaver dam
July 4, 2021
Route: North (downstream)
Time: 2.5 hours
Weather: Warm
River depth at launch: 0.4m
Mosquitoes: minimal
River blockages: beaver dam is difficult to navigate upstream
Wildlife spotted: great horned owl, mallard and ducklings
Comments: old river path is now too shallow for kayaks, but the rest is still navigable
June 26, 2021
Route: North (downstream)
Time: 2.5 hours
Weather: Warm
River depth at launch: 0.5m
Mosquitoes: minimal
River blockages: some obstacles
Wildlife spotted: great horned owls, painted turtle
Comments: river has gone down drastically, old river path is barely navigable
June 18, 2021
Route: North (downstream)
Time: 2.5 hours
Weather: Warm
River depth at launch: 0.75m
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: some obstacles
Wildlife spotted: great horned owls, painted turtle, wood duck and ducklings, deer
Comments: river is still high, making navigation easy
June 11, 2021
Route: North (downstream)
Time: 2.5 hours
Weather: Windy
River depth at launch: 0.75m
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: some obstacles
Wildlife spotted: great horned owls, muskrat, wood duck and ducklings
Comments: a family of great horned owls has taken residence near the downstream end. River is very high.
June 4, 2021
Route: North (downstream)
Time: 2 hours
Weather: Hot
River depth at launch: 0.75m
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: a tree fell within the past two weeks, blocking the river. With the help of a friendly neighbour with a chainsaw, the river's been made passable again
Wildlife spotted: great horned owl, deer
Comments: very green now
May 31, 2021
Route: South (upstream) from highway (towards Lorette)
Time: 2 hours
Weather: Warm
River depth at launch: N/A
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: two portages required - one for a full blockage, one for fast current
Wildlife spotted: great horned owls
Comments: this section is more wild as there are fewer houses, but is also more prone to be blocked
May 24, 2021
Route: North (downstream), old river path
Time: 2 hours
Weather: Warm
River depth at launch: 1.0m
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: some obstacles
Wildlife spotted: painted turtles, great horned owl
Comments: lots of turtles spotted in old river path
May 16, 2021
Route: North (downstream), new river path
Time: 3 hours
Weather: Warm and windy
River depth at launch: 1.0m
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: some obstacles, nothing requiring a portage
Wildlife spotted: painted turtles, Canada geese (with goslings), wood ducks, otter
Comments: Spent a few hours clearing some bottlenecks in the river. Nothing was too bad but some parts would have been problematic when river levels are lower. Beaver dam is passable but tricky going upstream due to strong current.
May 9, 2021
Route: Between Perimeter Highway and John Bruce Park
Time:3.5 hours
Weather: Warm
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: none
Wildlife spotted: painted turtles, Canada geese (with goslings), wood ducks
Comments: for whatever reason, there's more turtles inside the city than outside. The river is lower in the city, but also is cleared regularly by Save our Seine.
May 2-3, 2021
Route: Between Mitchell and Giroux
Time: 2 days
Weather: Cool
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: many
Wildlife spotted: black bears, turkey vultures, painted turtles minks, muskrats, wood ducks, mallards, Canada geese, bald eagles
Comments: interesting to see how the river changes from its source around Mitchell. A series of smaller streams combine, wind their way through sandy areas, then rocky areas, then finally muddy areas. Lots of interesting wildlife spotted.
Apr 21, 2021
Route: North (downstream), old river path
Time: 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Weather: Unseasonably warm
River depth at launch: 1.0m
Mosquitoes: none
River blockages: none
Wildlife spotted: great horned owl, wood ducks, mallards, Canada goose, redwing blackbirds, hawks, bald eagle, beaver splash
Comments: river is clear of ice and blockages. Not very green yet but still a good time!